1.The main drawback with this approach is that there is no inherent synchronization between the new XML column and the side tables.
2.The main drawback of the polling approach is the amount of traffic generated as it scales to many clients.
3.The main drawback, with component prices at current levels, is the fact that the mini-micro would carry a hefty price of around $100.
4.The main drawback of the rooms however was the lack of air conditioning.
5.The main drawback of traditional eye drops is their poor bioavailability. After administration, they are diminished by tear fluid quickly.
6.The main drawback to using Executor is the same one we encounter with all factories: the factory has to come from someplace.
7.The main drawback of the DF-31, apart from the shorter range when compared to the DF-31A, is the lack of an off-road capability.
8.The main drawback of using views for verification is that inspection cannot be automated.
9.The main drawback for relying on night glow is that it does not penetrate ceilings or walls.
10.Their main drawback is that they require considerable resources to set up, so may not be worthwhile unless a family has around $1 billion.